Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust completes purchase of Woodhall Spa Airfield
Thank you to everyone who supported this fund-raising project
Thank you to everyone who supported this fund-raising project
Our Horncastle & Woodhall Spa Area Group meet on Sunday mornings to help at the airfield nature reserve.
A place where visitors can share in the unique and peaceful atmosphere of this former airfield.
I’m on an exciting student placement with the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, and I'll be blogging about my 8 week placement here.
During 2023, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust are celebrating the 75th anniversary since their foundation in December 1948.
As part of their plans, the Trust, who work to save wildlife and wild…
The nature conservation charity is reminding people not to light fires or barbecues on nature reserves
Recently hatched crane chicks at Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust’s Willow Tree Fen nature reserve have sadly died following a spell of poor weather.
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is shocked at the possibility of the county being included in this year’s badger cull
Welcome to the opening 2019 blog from Open University (OU) students, Catherine Watson and Simon Winter.
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust are shocked that badgers will be shot in Lincolnshire as the Government expands the badger cull. This is despite the Government’s promise to move away from lethal…