Deeping Lakes

Deeping Lakes

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Deeping Lakes

Dave Vandome

Deeping Lakes

Dave Vandome

Deeping Lakes

A number of flooded gravel pits noted for their abundance of wildfowl and waterbird communities.


South of level crossing on B1166
Crowland Road
Deeping St James
Nearest postcode PE6 8RJ

OS Map Reference

TF 187 083
A static map of Deeping Lakes

Know before you go

71 hectares

Parking information

Free car park

Grazing animals

April - November

Walking trails

Circular waymarked route



Wheelchair friendly gravel track to the hide


image/svg+xmlNo dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only



Bird hides

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

January to December

About the reserve

Wetland south-east of Deeping St James of some 160 acres including part of the Deeping Gravel Pits SSSI and the Welland Bank Pits. There is a main lake (formerly known as "The Lake", dating from 1800) and two areas of smaller lakes and pools (formerly known as Welland Bank Quarry, excavated in the 1990's).

The Lake is noted for its wildfowl and waterbird communities. Management of this area has been aimed at: path maintenance along the southern shore, creating small wildflower meadows and, clearing trees from an area where early marsh orchids were known to grow. A bird hide overlooks the lake.

Management of the newer lakes has been concentrated on establishing the grassland areas, coppicing or pollarding trees planted as part of the restoration process, and the removal of self-sown trees around the edges of the various lakes. By keeping the margins free of trees it is hoped that marginal vegetation and reedbeds will naturally develop, and there are some encouraging signs of this. Islands are also being kept "tree free" or even totally free of vegetation to encourage ground nesting birds such as terns, plovers and lapwings.

Nearest postcode PE6 8RJ. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.

Location information

Deeping Lakes location and history PDF

Deeping Lakes Countryside for All map

The Lincolnshire County Council Countryside for All leaflet details path surfaces, gradients, cross-slopes as well as the location of seats, steps and gates. 



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