Geoff Trinder
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Willow Tree Fen nature reserve update
Willow Tree Fen is being redesigned to allow people to visit the reserve again whilst making it better for cranes and other wildlife.
2023 Marine Futures Interns Blog Week 12: An update on our research projects and National Mammal Week
At present, myself and Jasmine are busily working away on our research projects. As we’ve just hit the mid-point of our internship, I thought it would be a good opportunity to give some insight…
Wildlife Gardening with NCS
Updates from NCS on the wildlife garden at Whisby Nature Park.
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Talk: Conservation Progress at South Ormsby
An update on the conservation progress at South Ormsby with Paul Barnes, Estate Manager.
Whisby wildlife garden
An update on the wildlife garden at Whisby Nature Park.
Whisby wildlife garden
Progress update with the new wildlife garden at Whisby Nature Park.
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
2023 Marine Futures Interns Blog Week 16: Attending the Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership’s Annual Conference
We were fortunate enough to attend the GLNP’s Annual Conference: Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) Update last week, where we gained insight into how the LNRS will be delivered, and what work…
Purple laver
This purply-brown seaweed is a common feature on our rocky shores and on our dinner plates.