The first week of September was mostly office based, which was ideal for us, as Ed and I had to create presentations for our project proposals. These were then circulated among the partners and relevant members of staff. We were given feedback that we could discuss and/or implement into our projects. I created a presentation for my smelt project, Ed created one for his circular economy project and we both created one for our native oyster project. Unfortunately, we were unable to create a project proposal for our joint natural capital project as we were still defining the scope of this project. With halfway presentations not far off we are just going to present what we have there instead of having a proposal and a halfway presentation.
We also had a meeting with a Geographic Information System (GIS) specialist from The Crown Estate; this involved a brief introduction to GIS and The Crown Estate’s mapping software as well as how The Crown Estate use this kind of programme. This was very exciting – I had done some GIS experience throughout university and really enjoyed it. There’s something exciting about creating a really informative map. We will be able to access GIS and The Crown Estates software during our internship to help with our projects. So, this could be the first of multiple GIS sessions.
The second week of September on the other hand was completely different we spent 3 days on the North East Coast with all of the other interns! These few days in Skegness, or Skegvegas as it is also known, were amazing. It was great to be with all the other interns again as we haven’t all been in the same place since the first week at The Crown Estates London office.