Reptile and Amphibian Survey

Slow worm

Geoff Trinder

Reptile and Amphibian Survey

Reptile and Amphibian Survey

If you've seen an adder, slow worm, frog or newt in your garden, we want to hear about it!

We want to build our records database of reptiles and amphibians in Lincolnshire. Whether it's a grass snake in the garden, a smooth newt in the pond or a common lizard at the beach, let us know by submitting your sighting below.

Your records will be sent to the Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre where the data collected can be used to aid conservation management, help prioritisation of sites for the protection of wildlife, and help us to understand species distribution over time.

Submit a sighting

Spotted something else?

Please do tell us about any wildlife you've spotted in Lincolnshire and on our reserves. Your information will increase our knowledge of Lincolnshire's wildlife and its distribution, and help us to make better decisions about conservation management.

And it doesn't have to be an unusual species! We like to hear about the 'common' species too as it helps us build a bigger picture of Lincolnshire's wildlife.

To submit a sighting, go to the Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership website or click the link below.

Common cockchafer

Nick Upton/2020VISION

Submit a different sighting
