Caring for wildlife


Tom Marshall

Caring for wildlife

Wildlife information and advice

The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust are not a wildlife rescue organisation. We do not offer a general service for the care and rehabilitation of wildlife. We also do not offer services related to the discovery, reporting, or disposal of dead animals, but our advice pages will help you know what to do if you find one.

Wildlife FAQs

Q: What should I do if I find a sick or injured bird?

A: Unless the bird is in immediate danger, you're best to leave it where it is. In spring and summer, birds are beginning to leave the nest and fledglings can often be seen on the ground, seemingly alone. This is not often the case, and the parents will usually be close by searching for food and keeping a close eye on their chick. If the bird is in a busy road or footpath, or is in danger of being attacked by predators, the bird can be moved a minimal distance, but must still be in hearing range of the parents who will be nearby. For more information, go to the RSPB website.

Further contacts: 
RSPCA - 0300 1234 999
Swans and other wild animals - Yorkshire Swan Rescue Hospital, Tel: O7763 424892
Swans, ducks, geese and guinea fowl - Andrew Roberts, Brook Farm, Burwell, Tel: 01507 48O239

Injured bird advice

Baby bird advice

Q: What should I do if I find a sick or injured animal?

A: The Trust is not a welfare charity and therefore cannot provide care or rehabilitation facilities for sick or injured wildlife. Please contact the RSPCA or visit the HelpWildlife website. Alternatively, you can contact one of our local specialists below, but please bear in mind they cannot usually provide transport.

Wild animals including foxes, badgers, and deer - Yorkshire Swan Rescue Hospital, Tel: O7763 424892
Bats - The Bat Conservation Trust has advice on their website at
Hedgehogs - The British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Tel: 01584 890801
Seals - Mablethorpe Seal Sanctuary, Quebec Rd, North End, Mablethorpe LN12 1QG, Tel: 01507 473346 
Marine Animals - British Divers Marine Life Rescue, Tel: 01825 765546
Marine Strandings - UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme, Tel: 0800 652 0333

Hedgehog advice

Finding a dead animal

Q: How can I help wildlife in my garden?

A: There are numerous ways in which you can help wildlife in your own garden, from creating bug hotels and bird nest boxes to providing hibernation spots for frogs and toads. Visit our wildlife gardening section for ideas and inspiration.

Wild About Gardens

Q: How do I report a wildlife sighting in my area?

A: We recommend using iRecord, the national online recording system:

Records entered onto iRecord are made available almost immediately to national and local schemes. The Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre database is regularly updated with data from iRecord.

Q: How can I report a wildlife crime?

A: Reporting wildlife crime ensures incidents are formally logged on the police computer, enabling easier research of wildlife crime at a later date if required. There is no reason to approach individuals who are committing offences. To report a wildlife crime:

  • Ring the police on 01522 532222
  • State you are reporting a crime
  • Give relevant details
  • Obtain an incident number
  • Ask to be updated with the results

For further information about Wildlife Crime in Lincolnshire and contact details for Wildlife Crime Officers, see the Lincolnshire Police website.

Wildlife crime advice

Q: How do I report a marine stranding?

A: If you come across a standed marine animal you should report it to the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme. Reporting a stranded cetacean (whales, dolphins and porpoises) provides an accurate picture of marine life in the UK as well as valuable information on causes of death. 

You can report a stranding by calling 0800 652 0333 or by going to the website.

Strandings advice

Common lizard

Common lizard - Geoff Trinder

Reptile and Amphibian Survey


Have you seen a frog, toad, newt or snake in your garden or green space? Send us your sighting and help to contribute to wildlife conservation in Lincolnshire.

Submit a sighting