After a quiet morning, reading through the Environment Bill and trying to keep up to date with the ever-changing conservation policies whilst recovering from my recent cold, I donned my hat and headed over to meet Sarah Craythorne, Nature Reserves Officer, and her volunteers at Moor Closes nature reserve.
When I arrived, the cattle gave me a noisy hello at the gate and greeted me into the field where I could see the tractor mowing. I knew we were raking up grass behind the tractor that day, as this will allow next years wildflowers to grow without as much competition from shade or being swamped by dead grasses, however I couldn’t spot my fellow work team anywhere. Luckily for me, Mark pointed me towards the team from his tractor and I set off in the right direction.
What I saw next was like something out of a children’s book – ‘The Cow Who Came to Tea’ perhaps!? The volunteers were sat having their lunch with one of the cows laid down with them!
After a few exchanged glances of bewilderment and some laughter, Sarah and the vols explained to me that the poor cow had become stuck in the boggy stream that morning and had to be pulled out. The poor girl was rightly feeling a little bit sorry for herself and probably a bit chilly.