January was an interesting month on the nature reserve, with wild weather and amazing wildlife in equal measure. We've said goodbye to our wonderful starling murmuration - they gave us a great show throughout December and well into the new year but moved on to a new roost site in the middle of the month. At the height of the murmuration we had over 25,000 birds dancing in the skies over Grebe Lake. It's nice to know that the management work we have done in the reedbeds over the last few years has been a success in attracting these mesmerising birds and we look forward to welcoming them back next season.
We had a very wet start to the month with nearly a month's worth of rainfall falling in about three days. This caused problems with flooding on our paths and then with high winds quite a few trees couldn't cope with this extreme weather and fell over. You may have spotted us about with spades digging drainage channels or chainsaws dealing with fallen trees. We only clear up fallen trees if they affect the path network; you may have noticed that many of them we have left fallen in the woods for insects to feast on, creating another habitat for the reserve.