Corporate support
Your company can be part of restoring Lincolnshire's wildlife and wild places.
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is a local charity with almost 100 nature reserves protecting Lincolnshire's rarest wildlife. We are proud to work with businesses of all sizes to help wildlife and people thrive.
Supporting or partnering with us is a fantastic way to support local wildlife, and it's great for your business too. You can inspire and engage your staff, customers and stakeholders by showing your company is committed to helping local wildlife, protecting the environment, capturing carbon and fighting for nature's recovery in your local area.
We tailor every corporate relationship to ensure that it is a bespoke package that suits your needs and your objectives.
Examples of the sort of support or partnerships we might offer include:
○ Corporate Membership
○ Funding species or habitat recovery work
○ Carbon storage and retention
○ Room hire and away days
○ Team Building and practical involvement through corporate work parties
○ Advice on land management and enhancing grounds for wildlife
○ Fundraising events and sponsorship
○ Donating tools, equipment or materials
Working with Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
Let's start the conversation
If you are interested in developing a bespoke partnership with us we'd love to hear from you.
Please email: or phone 01507 526667

Planting wildflowers at Castle Bytham © David Roberts
Wildflower boost at Castle Bytham
The two fields at Castle Bytham that link the village to an existing nature reserve were purchased by the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust in 2019, creating a protected landscape of over 100 acres.
However, the new fields were dominated by grasses and needed a helping hand. This came in the form of Dyfrig Jenkins of YOU Development. Through this corporate support, we were able to purchase 1,600 wildflower plug plants which were planted, with the help of the local community in May 2024.
Following on from the community planting day, local plant nursery Alpha Plants Ltd in Pinchbeck donated a further 2,700 wildflower plug plants for grassland restoration across several nature reserves.

NTT Data
NTT Data offer business and technology services to industries around the world. The UK arm of the company were looking for a way to invest in carbon storage and partnered with the Trust to invest in a new peat-fenland site in the south of Lincolnshire.
The Trust has acquired Bourne North Fen with the aim of restoring the land to wet-fen habitat whilst also delivering a range of ecosystem services such as flood storage, climate resilience and carbon storage.
The support from NTT Data allowed the Trust to unlock major investment from other funders and secure the purchase and initial management of this 50 hectare site.