Talk: The Deer In Lincolnshire

roe deer des lloyd

Des Lloyd

Talk: The Deer In Lincolnshire

Methodist Church Hall, Abbey Road, Bourne, PE10 9EF
This month, Bourne Area Group are joined by Chris Manning, the county mammal recorder for the Lincolnshire Naturalist’s Union, who will talk on the deer population in Lincolnshire.

Event details


A static map of Talk: The Deer In Lincolnshire

About the event

Chris Manning is the county mammal recorder for the Lincolnshire Naturalist’s Union. This month, he will talk to us about deer in the county, their history here and in the UK, their current status and issues arising from their burgeoning numbers.

Refreshments will be available at all indoor meetings.  A donation of £2.50 is suggested, children free.

You do not need to be a member to join our activities, all welcome!


Suggested donation


Suitable for

Adults, Experts, Beginners