Talk: The Sands and Peats of North West Lincolnshire

Crowle Moor

Robert Enderby

Talk: The Sands and Peats of North West Lincolnshire

Middle Rasen Village Hall, Wilkinson Drive, LN8 3LD
This month, Matt Cox will be speaking to the Market Rasen Area Group about the wildlife and landscape of North West Lincolnshire.

Event details


A static map of Talk: The Sands and Peats of North West Lincolnshire

About the event

Matthew Cox, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust Warden for North West Lincolnshire will do a regional round-up of the Trust nature reserves in this part of the county, on both banks of the River Trent. He will look at some of the key habitats, species and management practices, touch briefly on the history and consider some of the ongoing challenges of managing these sites.

Entrance cost is £3, which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. 

You do not need to be a member to join our activities, all welcome!




Suitable for

Adults, Experts, Beginners