Talk: The National Trust - Nature Conservation in Lincolnshire and Beyond

Acorns and oak leaves

Talk: The National Trust - Nature Conservation in Lincolnshire and Beyond

Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby, PE23 5LA
Join members of the Lincoln Area Group for a talk by guest speaker, Carl Hawke, Regional Nature Conservation Advisor for the National Trust, who will look at their current nature conservation projects in Lincolnshire.

Event details


A static map of Talk: The National Trust - Nature Conservation in Lincolnshire and Beyond

About the event

Carl Hawke, Regional Nature Conservation Advisor for the National Trust, will look at their current nature conservation projects in Lincolnshire including Sandilands and Belton House but also by contrast in the Peak District. 

All welcome, you do not need to be a member to join our activities. Light refreshments available at the evening meetings. No charge but voluntary donations received with thanks.



Free, donations welcome

Suitable for

Adults, Experts, Beginners