Talk: AGM & The Grey Seal Colony of Donna Nook

Grey seals at Donna Nook in early morning light

Talk: AGM & The Grey Seal Colony of Donna Nook

Methodist Church Hall, Abbey Road, Bourne, PE10 9EF
Matt and/or Ruth (the Trust wardens for Donna Nook and Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe dunes reserves) will talk to us about the Donna Nook seal colony.

Event details


A static map of Talk: AGM & The Grey Seal Colony of Donna Nook

About the event

There will be a short AGM starting at 7pm followed by a talk on the Donna Nook seal colony by the wardens for the reserve. They will talk to us about the population of the Donna Nook seal colony, its history and other wildlife, and the challenges of managing the thousands of visitors the colony attracts.

Refreshments will be available at all indoor meetings.  A donation of £2.50 is suggested, children free.

You do not need to be a member to join our activities, all welcome!


Suggested donation


Suitable for

Adults, Experts, Beginners