Hedgehog Trail - Whisby Nature Park
Whisby Nature Park,
Moor Lane, Thorpe-on-the-Hill, LN6 9BWAbout the event
Come along to Whisby Nature Park between the 31st March to 21st April to follow clues and find out fun facts about the UK’s favourite, native mammal. Learn how you can attract them to your garden, why they are important to our environment and what to do if you find one out during the day.
Pick up a leaflet and map from the Natural World Centre and follow the Thorpe Lake circular route back to the centre. The route is 1.9km long.
This is a self-guided trail, suitable for under 12’s, normal car parking charges apply. The route is pushchair friendly.
FreeSuitable for
FamiliesKnow before you go
Dogs can be walked off lead around Thorpe Lake only.
Please do not let your dog swim in any of the lakes. The presence of toxic algae is dangerous to dogs and flea treatments are harmful to wildlife.