Deadline for comments extended to 19 August 2021
The deadline for comments has now passed. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted an objection to help us to #KeepFarIngsWild!
Update 23/09/2021 - We wanted to let you know that the potentially damaging planning application at Far Ings has been withdrawn. We will continue to monitor the situation but wanted to thank everyone who took the time to comment on the application and stand up for nature. Together we made a difference.
Help us to oppose the development at Far Ings
Far Ings is an incredibly special place, but our much-loved nature reserve faces the threat of harmful disturbance from new plans to create holiday accommodation.
Far Ings is home to a number of rare and threatened species that are found in very few places across the UK. As such, it has been recognised as one of Europe’s most important sites for biodiversity and designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
A planning proposal has been submitted to create 19 new lodges in the grounds of the Humber Bridge Country Hotel right in the heart of the nature reserve.

Barn owl - Russell Savory
The location of this development could cause increased disturbance in an area that is currently used by breeding birds such as bearded tit, barn owl, bittern, marsh harrier, Cetti’s warbler and many more. The area is also frequently used by bats, badgers, otters and water vole, all of which are protected by law.
The impacts would be long term and could open this part of the reserve up to damaging and unregulated disturbance.
What can I do?
Please help us to stop this proposed development by responding to the planning consultation. The deadline for comments has been extended to Thursday 19 August.
We would encourage you to use a form of words that you are comfortable with, but to help you, we've created some template text which you can copy below. You can use this to respond to the online planning consultation found here (scroll down to the bottom of that page and add a comment) or email it directly to
Objection template text
PA/2021/813 - Planning permission to erect 19 lodges, new access road and associated hardstanding
I would like to formally object to the proposed development for new lodges at the Humber Bridge Hotel.
The proposed development is adjacent to the Far Ings National Nature Reserve which has been designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The application has made no consideration of the impact that the development would have on the reserve and the special wildlife for which it has been designated.
If the development went ahead, it could increase the disturbance to these species such as bittern, marsh harrier, bearded tit, Cetti’s warbler, kingfisher and barn owl. These all nest, or are found in very close proximity, to the proposed development. Other species on this site include a range of bat species including pipistrelle, brown long-eared, noctule, and Daubenton’s as well as badger, otter and water vole. All of these species are protected by law.
I would be grateful if you would therefore lodge this as an objection to the proposals.
Planning Consultation web page
Can you help us spread the word?
We have until Thursday 19 August to comment on the planning application. Please help us spread the word and get as many objections to the development as possible. Every single share will make a difference!
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