Heath's Meadows

Devil's bit scabious

Barrie Wilkinson

Devil's bit scabious

Barrie Wilkinson

Green-winged orchid

Barrie Wilkinson

Heath's Meadows

These meadows have a wealth of grassland flowers including cowslip, green-winged orchid and adder's tongue.


2km south-west of Burgh-le-Marsh
Nearest postcode PE24 5DD

OS Map Reference

TF 484 640
A static map of Heath's Meadows

Know before you go

6 hectares

Parking information

Limited roadside parking

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Visitors are requested to keep to the edges of the fields and avoid trampling as much as possible, especially before hay time


An alternative access suitable for wheelchairs is available by way of a footpath leading off Ings Lane on the north side of a small bungalow


No dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

Each of the meadows has somewhat differing plant communities reflecting past differences of grazing, mowing and manuring treatment. They contain a wealth of grassland flowers including cowslip, the now rare green-winged orchid, spotted-orchid, adder's-tongue, great burnet, saw-wort, dyer's greenweed and devil's-bit scabious. This rich flora is maintained by continuing the traditional management of hay cropping and grazing.

Nearest postcode PE24 5DD. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.

Location information

Heath’s Meadows location PDF



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