Legbourne Wood

Legbourne Wood


Legbourne Wood

Lilianna Witkowska-Wawer

Legbourne Wood

Barrie Wilkinson

Legbourne Wood

Legbourne Wood is one of the largest ancient woods in eastern Lincolnshire and one of the Trusts largest wooded reserves.


Wood Lane
South of Legbourne
Nearest postcode LN11 8LU

OS Map Reference

TF 369 832
A static map of Legbourne Wood

Know before you go

35 hectares

Parking information

Small parking area available

Walking trails

Waymarked walking route through the reserve, please keep to the rides and go quietly


Main track is an old railway line which may be suitable for wheelchairs when dry, paths through the reserve are compacted earth which can become muddy and slippery when wet and would not be suitable for wheelchairs or pushchairs


No dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July and September to November

About the reserve

Legbourne Wood is one of the few remaining ancient woodlands in eastern Lincolnshire. The canopy at Legbourne is ash and oak. Beneath the trees, over 60 species of wildflowers have been recorded including primrose, early purple orchid, bluebell, wood anemone, sweet woodruff, wood sorrel and lesser celandine. There is a varied bird population.

Within Legbourne Wood, small areas are now being sensitively managed by selective thinning and the restoration of the traditional coppice-with-standards system. Part of the wood will also be kept free from disturbance and access. In these damp, shading areas mosses, fungi and specialist invertebrates that live and feed on decaying wood and leaf litter will thrive.

Nearest postcode LN11 8LU. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.

Location information

Legbourne Wood location PDF



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