Candlesby Hill Quarry
Woodland, scrub and open chalk grassland, which is still being colonised.
89 results
Woodland, scrub and open chalk grassland, which is still being colonised.
A flooded pit with marginal reed beds and aquatic plants, such as water-crowfoot and great reed mace.
Clapgate Pits consists of a long, disused quarry with a rich and varied limestone flora - the best in North Lincolnshire.
The reserve is one of the richest lowland peat vegetation areas in the north of England.
Two disused clay pits with associated reedbeds, wetland habitats, species-rich grassland, scrub and pasture.
A number of flooded gravel pits noted for their abundance of wildfowl and waterbird communities.
Digby Corner is a little grassland and scrubland oasis in an arable farming area.
Dole Wood is a fragment of the formerly extensive primary woodland cover of South Kesteven.
Extensive dunes and shore between North Somercotes and Saltfleet.
The roadside verges at Copper Hill are protected under Lincolnshire's Protected Roadside Verge Scheme. The adjoining Duke's Covert is an old limestone grassland.
89 results