Don Wright spent a lifetime of service professionally in education as teacher and administrator, and as volunteer for over 50 years in nature conservation. In his professional roles as Head of Science and Environmental Studies at Kesteven College of Education, as Warden of Brant Broughton College and as tutor in adult education in Lincolnshire he inspired a whole generation of students in Biological and Environmental Studies, especially in field studies in which he excelled and which he described in A Field Approach to Biology, published in 1972.
Don Wright (3 October 1929 – 5 May 2016)

Don Wright - Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
When he came to live and work in Lincolnshire in 1960 he embarked immediately on voluntary service in nature conservation in a succession of capacities in the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust leading to the Chair of the Trust, which he occupied from 1999 until 2010, after which becoming Vice President of the Trust.
His involvement in the Trust also led to the Chairmanship of the County Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) in which capacity he was instrumental in the establishment of the Lincolnshire Biodiversity Partnership of local authorities, statutory agencies and voluntary organisations, the first of its kind in the country. The Partnership reviews progress with the county BAP, administers the Lincolnshire Environment Records Centre and the Wildlife Sites system in the county.
Don was also the first Chair of the East of England region of the Wildlife Trusts, and in 2009 took the Chair of the East Midlands region in which Lincolnshire is now included. By virtue of that office he became a Trustee of the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts.
It was a privilege to work with Don who showed a huge commitment to the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust over so many years, he will be greatly missed.
Throughout his years with the Trust he has involved himself in almost every aspect of its work undertaking surveys of river corridors in association with the National Rivers Authority in the Severn Trent and Anglian regions; in habitat surveys with the Ministry of Defence and mineral extraction companies; preparing management plans for several Trust reserves and road verges of which he has made a special study, and conservation plans for farms.
In the administrative field he has served at all levels as an Area Group Chairman, Chairman of the Biodiversity Team and the Trust’s subsidiary trading company Lapwings Consultants; Deputy Chairman of the Trust for six years before becoming Chairman in 1999. He has also served as a Vice Chairman of the Lincolnshire Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group.
Don has made a vital contribution to promoting the biodiversity and environment of the whole county of Lincolnshire for the benefit of all who live and work there.