Geoff Trinder
Love Lincolnshire Plants: A plant archive for the next generation
The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust has received a confirmed grant of £499,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for the Lincolnshire Plants: Past and Future Project (#LoveLincsPlants)
Local artists celebrate Lincolnshire’s inspirational plants
Organisers of the Lincspirational Plants Exhibition were overwhelmed by the response to the call out for artists to celebrate thirty plant species.
The best plants for bees and pollinators
Set up a ‘nectar café’ by planting flowers for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies
Love and look after it!
The Wildlife Trusts appeal to people’s love of nature following last weekend’s wildfires, vandalism, littering and disturbance to wildlife
Vote - news and campaigns
Calling all artists (16+) to help us celebrate Lincolnshire’s inspiring plants
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is excited to announce an Open Call for artists, amateur or professional, to submit A5-sized artwork for the “Lincspirational Plants” art exhibition.
Lincspirational Light Show set to light up Lincolnshire’s plants
To celebrate the National Lottery Funded LoveLincsPlants project, evening light shows are planned in Lincoln, Boston and Horncastle. During the events, 30 artworks created by members of the public…
How to plant a tree
It might surprise you, but even the smallest of gardens can accommodate a tree!
Plant Propagation at Riseholme College
Catherine takes a visit to Riseholme College to see the propagation work that Conservation Officer, Mark Schofield, has been working on with local students.
Sad news as Lincolnshire’s crane chicks succumb to the weather
Recently hatched crane chicks at Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust’s Willow Tree Fen nature reserve have sadly died following a spell of poor weather.
Talk: People Powered Nature - News From Doddington
Join us for an illustrated talk from Isobel Wright about this reserve in Doddington.