Silverines Meadows

Silveriness Meadows

Barrie Wilkinson

Silveriness Meadows

Barrie Wilkinson

Silveriness Meadows

Barrie Wilkinson

Silverines Meadows

Meadows that are set amid the small hedged fields around Goulceby.


Ranyard Lane
Nearest postcode LN11 9UG

OS Map Reference

TF 259 787
A static map of Silverines Meadows

Know before you go

6 hectares

Parking information

Roadside parking

Grazing animals

Cattle and sheep

Walking trails

Please keep to the edges of the reserve and to any mown paths; a public footpath runs around the edge of the reserve


Mown grass tracks and uneven ground, unsuitable for wheelchair users


No dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

From the Red Hill reserve high on the chalk escarpment to the east you can look down towards Silverines Meadows set amid the small hedged fields around Goulceby.

The flora includes cowslip, great burnet and devil's-bit scabious and some of the other plants found on clayland meadows. Unusually, there is an abundance of the silvery-white meadow saxifrage here, a localised plant of sandy soils (could this be the origin of the picturesque name Silverines?).

An additional attraction is a small marsh and stream where there are southern marsh-orchid, common spotted-orchid, kingcup, ragged-robin and water avens. Snipe frequent the marsh, and the large hedges support whitethroat, lesser whitethroat and other hedgerow birds.

Nearest postcode LN11 9UG. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.

Location information

Silverines Meadows location PDF



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