Kirkby Moor

Kirkby Moor

Robert Enderby

Kirkby Moor

Robert Enderby


Geoff Trinder

Kirkby Moor

A remnant of the once extensive heathlands of the Woodhall district.


Moor Lane
Woodhall Spa
Nearest postcode LN10 6YY

OS Map Reference

TF 225 629
A static map of Kirkby Moor

Know before you go

75 hectares

Parking information

Please park carefully on the roadside and access the reserve (on foot only) via the pedestrian gate

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Two waymarked routes available, please close the gates behind you


Not suitable for wheelchair users or people with mobility issues


No dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only



Bird hides

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

March to September

About the reserve

The reserve is the largest remnant of the once extensive heathlands of the Woodhall district. The sands and gravels here were deposited in delta conditions on the edge of the great Fenland Lake during the last Ice Age. As a result of leaching of mineral nutrients, podsol soils have developed.

A large part of the reserve is dominated by heather and wavy hair-grass, together with moss and lichen communities. The southern part of the reserve is low lying and contains a lake originally made as a reservoir. There is oak, birch and pine woodland, and developing birch, hawthorn and sallow scrub with rowan and alder buckthorn.

This diversity of habitat produces a wide range of plants and animals. 250 plant species have so far been recorded, together with 275 moths, 20 butterflies and 11 dragonflies. About 60 species of birds breed on the reserve in most years and over 100 species have so far been recorded.

The main aims of management are to maintain the heathland and encourage more heather and wet heath conditions; control the area of bracken and the spread of scrub onto the heath, while maintaining some developing scrub; and sustain the floristic diversity of some areas by regular mowing and by grazing with sheep.

Nearest postcode LN10 6YY. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.

Location information

Kirkby Moor location and trail



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