Kingerby Beck Meadows

Frog orchid

Kieron Huston

Kingerby Beck Meadow

Barrie Wilkinson

Kingerby Beck Meadow

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Kingerby Beck Meadows

Seven interconnected meadows including a colony of frog orchids.


Gulham Road
North Owersby
Market Rasen
Nearest postcode LN8 3PS

OS Map Reference

TF 051 941
A static map of Kingerby Beck Meadows

Know before you go

16 hectares

Parking information

Small parking area available

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Linear walking route, please take care to avoid trampling hay, appropriate footwear is advised as it may be very wet


There are no surfaced paths, mown tracks can be wet and rutted, stiles present; not suitable for wheelchairs or people with mobility issues


No dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

The seven interconnected meadows slope gently towards the beck and are situated on sandy soils, which become heavier towards the beck. Kimmeridge Clay underlying the soils is near the surface and exposed in places along the banks of the beck.

The composition of the flora varies from meadow to meadow, but there is a herb-rich sward, which includes bugle, fairy flax, yellow rattle, tufted vetch, cowslip, adder's-tongue, oxeye daisy, crosswort, pignut and many others, and associated insects. A particular speciality is a colony of frog orchids - a very rare species in Lincolnshire. Snipe may be seen in winter. Some of the boundary hedges are old and tall with species such as midland hawthorn, ash, crab apple and field rose.

Kingerby Beck hay meadows are renowned for their wildflower rich sward. Visitors are reminded that the hay is cut annually any time from 15 July onwards. Once the hay is taken the meadows are aftermath grazed with sheep and therefore no wildflowers will be visible.

Nearest postcode LN8 3PS. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.

Location information

Kingerby Beck Meadows location PDF



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