Frampton Marsh

Frampton Marsh

Amy Lewis

Frampton Marsh

Peter Foster

Frampton Marsh

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Frampton Marsh

Frampton Marsh is part of the most mature saltmarsh in the Wash and is exceptionally rich in plants, birds and invertebrates.


South east of Boston between the outfalls of the River Witham and the River Welland
Nearest postcode PE20 1AY

OS Map Reference

TF 365 393
A static map of Frampton Marsh

Know before you go

172 hectares

Parking information

Roadside parking at TF 353 396 or TF 363 386

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Care should be taken to check for tides before venturing out onto the marshes as the creeks fill very quickly; good views of the marsh and the river may be had by walking out along the Haven Bank



Paths can be very wet and muddy


image/svg+xmlNo dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times
A visitor centre with toilets and light refreshments is located at the adjacent RSPB reserve, there is a facilities charge of £3 per adult and £1.50 per child.

Best time to visit

January to December

About the reserve

The reserve is part of the most mature saltmarsh in the Wash and is exceptionally rich in plants, birds and invertebrates. The upper levels, which have extensive zones of sea-lavender, sea aster and sea-purslane, are intersected by large creeks, one of which was the old course of the River Witham before the new cut was made in 1880. 

The area supports regular breeders such as redshank, oystercatcher, reed bunting, meadow pipit and skylark. In winter the saltings attract wigeon, mallard, shelduck, teal and brent geese, with large flocks of finches and buntings, notably linnet and twite and birds of prey such as hen harrier and merlin. The tidal mudflats form part of the wader feeding grounds, which give the Wash its international status. Large flocks of dunlin occur, as well as considerable numbers of grey plover, whimbrel, curlew, bar-tailed godwit and greenshank.

Wildfowling rights are let to the South Lincolnshire Wildfowlers' Club who participate in the care and wardening of the reserve. Grazing by cattle is an important part of management. The Trust's reserve is grazed together with the RSPB's reserve to the south. Parts of the Kirton Marsh to the south are also subject to agreements between landowners and Natural England, so that all the saltmarshes between the Witham and Welland outfalls are under protective management. The whole of the Wash has been designated by the Government as a Ramsar Site and a Special Protection Area.

Nearest postcode PE20 1AY. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.

Location information

Frampton Marsh location PDF

RSPB Frampton Marsh



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