Poster Distribution Volunteer

Poster Distribution Volunteer

Volunteer remotely, around Far Ings and surrounding communities
Could you regularly pop into your local shop/post office/library/community centre, etc? Would you enjoy chatting to people and supporting your local wildlife charity? This role could be for you…

What is a Poster Distribution Volunteer?

Our poster distribution team is made up of members of the communities of North Lincolnshire who know their local facilities and can get out and about delivering event and activity posters and other types of promotional materials in their area.

What’s involved?

  • Identifying premises/venues (eg. shops, libraries, etc) that will display posters and promotional materials in your locality
  • Feeding back to Far Ings Education & Visitor Centre staff on the location and number of premises you can deliver promotional materials to
  • Distributing promotional materials about events and activities in your local area
  • Talking to premises/venues about the Wildlife Trust
  • Adherence to the Volunteer Charter, policies, procedures and guidelines

Who would this role suit?

Essential skills/experience:

  • Personal local knowledge of venues that will display advertising material (post office, local shop, library, etc)
  • Ability to get around the local area to distribute posters, etc

What’s in it for you?

  • Getting out and about in your local area
  • Helping to support the work of your local wildlife charity

Commitment: Approximately one day a month/as required

Duration: Ongoing

If you'd be willing to do this for us, please complete the attached expression of interest form.

Poster Distribution Volunteer role description

Volunteer Charter