Shorebird Volunteer

Shorebird Volunteer

Help protect Lincolnshire’s shorebirds at Gibraltar Point this summer.

Position details




Any Day



Gibraltar Point is the only place in Lincolnshire where little tern breed and is the stronghold for ringed plover. These birds nest on the ground and their eggs and chicks are very vulnerable. They are at risk from trampling, predators, weather and high tides. By volunteering, you can help ensure this year's chicks survive.

The birds are within the Shorebird Sanctuary on the beach but many visitors do not understand how important this area is. As a volunteer, you will be an ambassador for the birds - explaining the significance of Gibraltar Point to these rare breeding birds. It’s about education rather than enforcement!

  • No special bird skills are needed – just a willingness to engage with beach visitors and explain about the shorebirds and how we can protect them.
  • Shifts are two hours on the beach at the Shorebird Sanctuary with most volunteers doing weekly shifts.


Our Reserve Team provides training about the shorebirds and positive ways in which to engage with beach visitors. Materials to support your role will also be provided. When you start, we will pair you with an experienced Beach Patroller.

If you'd like to be a part of protecting the plovers and terns please contact Paul Edwards, Gibraltar Point Assistant Warden, on 07557 038521 or email