Wildlife Watch: Grimsby

Wildlife Watch Grimsby

Wildlife Watch: Grimsby

Humberston Eco Centre, Fairway Drive
Grimsby, DN36 4ZQ
Wildlife Watch. A monthly club for children who want to learn more about the natural world and spend time outside.

Event details


10am to 12noon
A static map of Wildlife Watch: Grimsby

About the event

Wildlife Watch is aimed at children aged 5-11yrs who are interested in wildlife and the environment. Grimsby Wildlife Watch meets on the first Sunday of each month. This month you will be learning about our local plant life with identification activities and also flower pressing.

Activities are outside so please wear stout footwear and suitable outdoor clothing.

All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Places are limited and must be booked in advance. Please email grimsbywildlifewatch@gmail.com to book your free place!



Free (donations welcome up to £3 per child)

Suitable for

Families, Children

Contact us