Elephant hawk-moth © Tom Hibbert
Talk: AGM & Wildlife on Golf Courses
Event details
About the event
Stephen Thompson, known as the Conservation Buddha, will talk on wildlife and conservation on golf courses, in particular the two courses in Woodhall Spa and its SSSI heathland. He will be bringing examples of his camera traps and moth traps. He also shows the range of insects and birdlife that may be found there. This will be preceded by Grimsby and Cleethorpes Area Group's AGM.
There will be a break for refreshments half way through the talk, and coffee and tea is available for £1.50. There is a car park at the side of the Town Hall which is free at night. If anyone requires access via a lift, rather than stairs, there is parking in the street on the other side of the Town Hall where there is access to a lift.
All welcome, you do not need to be a member to join our activities.