

Various locations, Lincolnshire
We are seeking volunteers who have the skills and interest to become Trustees and join our Board.

Trustee for the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust was founded in 1948 by people like you who knew they needed to take action. Since then we have become the leading wildlife conservation charity in the area. Most of our work takes place at local grassroots level but by working in partnership with 45 other Wildlife Trusts we have a national voice too.

We are committed to creating an inclusive environment for employees, volunteers and Trustees. We welcome interest in the role of Trustee from all sectors of the community.

Help us shape the Trust’s future work and continue its success and development.

What we are looking for:

First and foremost: time, commitment and enthusiasm combined with:

  • An interest in nature conservation in Lincolnshire
  • Knowledge and experience in areas such as: nature reserve/habitat management, landscape or marine recovery, policy and advocacy, agriculture, community engagement, communications, information technology and finance
  • Commitment to a minimum six meetings (working day) annually, usually Horncastle, and our Annual General Meeting

Contact details

For further details or a chat please contact the Chief Executive, Paul Learoyd, initially by email:

We look forward to hearing from you.