Leave a legacy

Friskney Decoy Wood

Leave a legacy

Leave a gift in your Will

Every single gift in your Will, however large or small, counts. At Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust we’ve been dedicated to looking after wildlife locally for more than 70 years, so you can be sure that every penny you choose to leave in our care will be well spent.

A gift of just 1% of your estate can achieve amazing things for wildlife.

Anyone who cares about wildlife has a marvellous opportunity to do something quite unique, by remembering their local Wildlife Trust in their will. This generous act is one of the most important things you can do to make sure the species and habitats we love will be there for future generations to enjoy.
Sir David Attenborough
President Emeritus of The Wildlife Trusts

Ben Hall/2020VISION

How do I leave a gift?


Including the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust in a Will is usually simple and straightforward, and can help limit the tax payable on your estate. But making a Will is a task for an expert and we advise you to consult your solicitor, accountant or high street bank specialist for guidance.

If you wish to make a bequest to the Trust of a fixed amount or proportion of your net estate, or bequeath land, property or belongings to the Trust we would be happy to discuss this with you and talk you through the process. We are also glad to discuss suitable wording for bequests.


Alan Price/Gatehouse Studio

What can a gift do?


Our work, from land purchases to longer-term projects, would not have been able to happen without the generosity of supporters leaving us gifts in their Wills. Throughout our history they have allowed us to take great steps forward in protecting large areas of land and threatened species across our region.

Without gifts in Wills many of our nature reserves would simply not exist at all.


Emily Cunningham

Want to know more?


We’re here to talk when you’re ready. We know you’ll want to take time to think about your family, loved ones and others you care for as you consider your Will, but when the time is right, you can call us for an informal conversation about what a lasting legacy gift could mean.


Get in touch

If you would like to discuss leaving a gift in your Will to local wildlife with someone at the Trust please contact legacies@lincstrust.co.uk or for an informal chat you can call us on 01507 526667. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
Banovallum House
Manor House Street
Lincolnshire LN9 5HF

Charity number: 218895

Tel: 01507 526667
Email: info@lincstrust.co.uk
Website: www.lincstrust.org.uk