Geoff Trinder
Wild things to do in Lincolnshire
For the final blog of my 10 week placement I thought I would share some of the things I would recommend doing in Lincolnshire.
Spotted ray
The spotted ray is one of the smallest species of skate, growing to only 80 cm.
Spotted flycatcher
Watch the deadly accurate flying of the spotted flycatcher in woodlands, gardens and parks. It sits quietly on a perch waiting for an unsuspecting insect to fly by, deftly dashing out to seize it…
Spotted cowrie
This small sea snail is easily identifiable by the 3 brown spots on the top of its shell.
Lesser spotted woodpecker
The lesser spotted woodpecker is the smallest of the UK's woodpeckers. Listen out for its drumming, which is quieter than that of the great spotted woodpecker, in woodland, parks , orchards…
Great spotted woodpecker
The 'drumming' of a great spotted woodpecker is a familiar sound of our woodlands, parks and gardens. It is a form of communication and is mostly used to mark territories and to display…
Two spotted goby
These colourful little fish are a delight for snorkellers or shallow water divers to photograph, rarely being scared off by their presence!
Small-spotted catshark
Small-spotted catsharks used to be called lesser-spotted dogfish - which might be what you know them best as. It's the same shark, just a different name!
Four-spotted chaser
The Four-spotted chaser is easily recognised by the two dark spots on the leading edge of each wing - giving this species its name. It can be seen on heathlands and near ponds and lakes.
Common spotted-orchid
The common spotted-orchid is the easiest of all our orchids to see: sometimes, so many flowers appear together that they create a pale pink carpet in our woodlands, old quarries, dunes and marshes…
How to have an eco-Christmas
Whether you celebrate a big family Christmas, or you just give out a few cards to your friends and neighbours to wish them a happy time, here are some quick tips for a greener Christmas!