Wayside Warden

Wayside Warden

Various locations, Lincolnshire
We're looking for volunteers to help us look after and monitor some of the Trust's Roadside Nature Reserves.

Wayside Warden

To help us manage our network of 65 Roadside Nature Reserves across the county, we depend on our volunteer Wayside Wardens to each keep a watchful eye on their specific stretch of verge in order to maintain its wildflower conservation value. Main duties include carrying out litter picks at least twice a year (spring and autumn), reporting any damage and completing a brief report every year.

Botanical expertise is an advantage, but not essential, and there is an opportunity to participate in one or more of three Roadside Nature Reserve training evenings held each summer to sharpen identification skills.

When managed for wildlife, road verges can be rich in wildflowers and insects. They can provide a network of corridors along which bees and other pollinators can move. Since 1960, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust has protected some of the county's best verges as Roadside Nature Reserves. These now cover a total distance of over 80 kilometres (50 miles), and vary considerably in size, habitat and diversity. Each verge is appointed its own voluntary Wayside Warden to help look after the biological interest in liaison with the Divisional Surveyors and landowners.

We can provide hi-viz and a litter picker and are on hand via phone or email for advice and help. Volunteers are welcome to work in couples or pairs for an individual verge to help share the role.

Find more information on our Roadside Nature Reserves here


  • Monitor 'your' Roadside Nature Reserve
  • Periodically clear litter
  • Report any problems (such as fly-tipping or damage)
  • Complete a simple annual report

Available location:

  • California Plantation, near Ancaster (TF 025 435 - 035 442)


Please get in touch with any questions or to express an interest in volunteering, letting us know which of the above locations you would like to apply for.

Email: RNR@lincstrust.co.uk

Contact details
