I’ve heard lots in the news lately about some of the big supermarkets making promises to reduce their plastic packaging. Iceland were the first to announce this year that they are going to remove all plastic packaging from their own brand products by 2023. Others were soon to follow, with Sainsbury’s promising a 50% reduction by 2020, and Tesco and Asda hoping to make all their packaging recyclable or compostable by 2025.
Many organisations, including supermarkets, have signed up to ‘WRAP’s Courtauld 2025’ agreement. This ‘Plastics Pact’ hopes to make 100% of plastic packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025 with the hope of eliminating single-use plastics completely.
These supermarkets have made a good start, but they seem to be concentrating for the moment on cutting down on specific plastics, rather than ridding unnecessary plastics completely - Tesco for example released their new avocado packaging in February this year, but is it really necessary?
I did however, hear about Morrisons new incentive announced earlier in May. They’re encouraging customers to bring their own containers for meat or fish from the deli counter, saving items from being wrapped in plastic.