30 Days Wild might have come to a close, but I'll still be trying to #StayWild and cut down on plastic.
30 Days Wild might have come to a close, but I'll still be trying to #StayWild and cut down on plastic.
I've been speaking with recent plastic-reducer and Marine Specialist at Gibraltar Point, Vicki Bush.
How to keep your teeth and the environment squeaky clean.
Take a look at this brilliant video from the BBC on ways to break-up with plastic...
With the government’s recent plans on ‘banning’ wet-wipes, it’s time to look for some alternatives...
This week I’ve been focusing on bathroom products.
All supermarket pasta seems to be packaged in plastic bags, and with no alternative available, I decided to have a go at making my own.
I’ve been playing supermarket sweep this week, and it’s safe to say not many items made it into my basket…
96% of us drink our tea from a teabag, but did you know, many of our favourite teabags contain plastic.
I've decided for this year's 30 Days Wild campaign to try going plastic free...for a month.