Local site shortlisted as proposed Highly Protected Marine Area
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is delighted to hear suggested sites are progressing to the next stage of the HPMA designation process.
Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is delighted to hear suggested sites are progressing to the next stage of the HPMA designation process.
The Wildlife Trusts call for effective management of 41 new Marine Conservation Zones.
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust welcomes possibility of 41 new Marine Conservation Zones for England's seas.
Following reports in the news about the stranding of thousands of marine animals on the Yorkshire coast, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is sad to confirm that there has also been large scale…
Four sperm whales have been found dead on Lincolnshire beaches on Saturday, Sunday and Monday (23-25 January 2016)
One of the UK’s rarest seabirds could become a victim of climate change as rising seas and increased coastal flooding squeezes the UK’s coastline
The tidal surge on 5 December 2013 exceeded the level reached in 1953, possibly two metres above normal levels, causing serious problems at our coastal sites