News: Reserves

Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography


A group of common cranes bugling (c) Nick Upton/2020VISION

UK’s tallest bird flourishes for another year

The common crane continues its comeback after the latest breeding survey reveals a record breaking 71 pairs across the UK in 2022. This is the second highest number since cranes returned in 1979…

Little tern eggs and chick (c) Richard Doan

Ground nest alert! Dog walkers must lead the way...

Dogs are not permitted on the majority of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust reserves but where they are, and in the wider countryside, leads are essential to prevent dogs harming ground-nesting birds.…

Removal of the main track at Willow Tree Fen

Willow Tree Fen nature reserve update

Willow Tree Fen is being redesigned to allow people to visit the reserve again whilst making it better for cranes and other wildlife.

Donna Nook

Visiting Donna Nook, 2021

After the closure of the seal viewing area last year due to the national lockdown, the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust are expecting Donna Nook to be busy this year.