
Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography


Goldfinch (c) Caroline Steel

Wildlife diary: Early signs of spring

Even on the cold, grey days of winter, signs of spring can be found. As Trust volunteer and former Head of Conservation, Caroline Steel discovered in her garden

Female house sparrow (c) Caroline Steel

Wildlife diary: Garden birds

The comings and goings of birds in our gardens can be a constant source of fascination as Caroline Steel has discovered

Frogs in a garden pond (c) Caroline Steel

Wildlife Diary: Pond Life

It's often said that a wildlife pond is one of the single best features for attracting new wildlife to the garden. Caroline Steel's pond is no exception.

Blackbird (c) Caroline Steel

Wildlife Diary: Recording birds

Watching garden birds is pleasurable but the records of what you see can also contribute to scientific research explains volunteer Caroline Steel

West Common In Lincoln (Caroline Steel)

Wildlife Diary: Green Space

There are substantial areas of natural green space in Lincoln. On day 2 of lockdown, Caroline went for a walk on West Common

comma butterfly (Caroline Steel)

Wildlife Diary: A Day of Firsts

On the first day of lockdown to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, Caroline shares wildlife sightings from her garden in Lincoln