Blog: Birdwatching



Waxwing winters

Discover the elusive bird that’s a favourite amongst birdwatchers - and why this just might be the time to see one!

Great white egret in a tree being hassled by little egrets (c) Garry Wright

Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park - September 2022

September was a quieter month but still some excellent sightings including clouded yellow butterflies, a flurry of waders, migrating pink-footed geese and some excellent sea-watching.

Two whimbrel coming into land on a lake (c) Garry Wright

Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park - August 2022

It was another exciting month for the Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park with waders galore at Huttoft Pit, spectacular roosts of birds at Wolla Bank, an exciting new species of butterfly and more…

Common Sandpiper

Wading into autumn

For many birdwatchers things are just hotting up! We might be reaching the end of summer, but this is when a group of birds known as waders start to appear on our shores. Here are ten waders to…

Brown hare running

Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park - May 2022

May was an excellent month with lots of breeding bird activity on Anderby Marsh, first breeding attempt of stonechat, several rare birds and insects and the first orchids beginning to flower.

Group of shoveler ducks flying low over water (C) Garry Wright

Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park - April 2022

April was an exciting month with a mass arrival of summer migrant birds, the first green hairstreak butterflies, numerous harbour porpoises and boxing hares. Spring has well and truly sprung!

Flock of black-tailed godwits in flight

Lincolnshire Coastal Country Park - March 2022

March was an exciting month on Anderby Marsh with an incredible 17 wader species recorded (the highest ever monthly total), first butterflies and grass snakes of the year and a surprise sighting…