
Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography


Rook (c) Tim Melling


In these times of restricted travel, our Head of Public Engagement, Matthew Capper, writes about the the benefits of spending time studying a single species, close to home.


Space for skylarks

Lockdown is forcing us all to re-connect with the green spaces that are local to us. For Communications Officer, Rachel Shaw, that's not just her small garden but also the wide open space of…

West Common In Lincoln (Caroline Steel)

Wildlife Diary: Green Space

There are substantial areas of natural green space in Lincoln. On day 2 of lockdown, Caroline went for a walk on West Common



A mass of white snowdrops are a much antipated sight in late winter and they have special adaptations to thrive in the cold conditions

Heritage Open Day

Heritage Open Day

Welcome to this week’s blog which sees Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust participate in Horncastle’s Annual Heritage Open Day.

View from the camp site

Camping Trip to Ynys-hir

From slow worms to beavers, jellyfish, ospreys and nightjars: leader of the Spalding Wildlife Watch Group, Eileen Pearson, reports on their camping trip to Ynys-hir nature reserve and the…

Woodhall Spa Airfield team building day

Team Building

Welcome to this week’s blog which sees Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust’s headquarters staff participate in a team building day at Woodhall Spa Airfield.